Manco Capac Entry

In the older times of this country, our land was nothing but shrubs, small trees, and tall mountains. The people that lived at this time were unmannered and untaught. It was said that they lived like wild animals because they didn't have clothes, houses, or even cultivated food. They lived in fairly small groups finding shelter in caves and such. My Father Sun saw this from the heavens and sent me and my sister down to try and teach these people different ways of living.

I quickly realized that these people knew nothing about living in houses, wearing clothes, raising food, forming villages, using tools, or even forming laws. When we left my father told us to take this golder rod with us and we were to form a city wherever there was fertile soil. We would know that the soil is fertile because the rod would disappear into the ground. By forming this city we will spread the knowledge of how to build homes, plant and harvest crops, and how to make clothing. In then end we educated many people and were very successful with our work.

Created By Jill Purvis

Viracocha Entry

I am the prince and the creator of all things. I first created the earth and the heavens. Then I created animals and many human beings that lived in eternal night. I later decided that I did not like what I had already created so I decided to flood everything and start over. Then I decided to first create the sun with the moon and the stars for night. Then I created mountains, valleys, waves, streams, rivers, and many more beautiful things. Then I added animals and human beings. I also created stone figures of men, women, and children.

I then started traveling around teaching many people how to live and the names of different plants and animals. While I was teaching a group of people there was another group of people who attacked my with rocks. I immediately punished them by causing fire to fall from the heavens, but then they all dropped their rocks to the ground immediately. Then they all fell to my feet and surrendered as I told them that I was their creator.

Created By Jill Purvis

Obatala Entry

This beautiful land is one of my greatest life achievements. I have named this place Ife. I recently found companionship with my black cat, but I am now bored. There are not other people here to interact with. I should create some perfect and beautiful statues that could later be turned into people to create a village with. First, I am thirsty so i need to find some wine to drink.

Wow, that wine definitely quenched my thirst. I don't even remember what I did last night. Where did all of these people come from. Oh no, I must have made them. Oh, but their not perfect like I intended them to be. Oh what have I done! Well there's nothing I can do to change it now. I will love these people the way I made them even though they may have some deformities.

Created by Jill Purvis

Manco Capac journal entry

My father has decided to help the humans more than just providing light and warmth. He has chosen me and my sister, Mama Ocllo Huaco to find these savages and refine them into a more civilized people. They live like animals now; not wearing clothes, living in caves, eating whatever they happen to come across. I will do as my father asks and teach these people to farm the land, sew clothing, build proper homes, make tools, and build terraces for irrigation. Finally, I will show them to make weapons to both defend themselves and rule new lands.

Father Sun has also given us a short golden rod that we are to plunge into the earth as we travel. He says that once we find a spot where the rod can easily be completely sunk, that is where we are to build the great city of Cuzco. I can think of no reason why these untamed wild humans would not want to learn new trades and skills that would inevitably better their way of life. Surely these people will recognize and revere the children of the sun. I only hope we can find these people and the area of loose earth that my father spoke of. I guess we will have to wait and see.

Journal entry from one of Viracocha’s companions

Today I have seen just how powerful Con Ticci Viracocha really is. I had already witnessed him create animals and a race of giant humans. Not long after he turned the humanoids to stone and flooded the entire area! Realizing the fault in the first plan he proceeded to fix the problem. I was there when he lowered the flood waters, raised the sun high into the air, formed the moon and all the stars in the sky, and transformed the land into a new design of his choosing. Truly there can be no greater than the creator, Viracocha.

The greatest deed I saw him perform was creating humans from stone carvings he had formed. The stone pieces were split into groups and buried at different locations. I was ordered to go north and find all the stone figures hidden in the caves, rivers, mountains, and valleys. We were like fathers to these humans. Not only did we give them life, but we taught them how to speak, how to feed off the land, ethics, and how to live well.

We continue to teach the humans and to build onto this new land. Soon enough our time will end here and we shall move on Cuzco, or so I hear. From there who knows what the future holds, but where Viracocha goes…I will follow.

Obatala Journal Entry

Today I observed the dreary lifeless domain beneath the sky. How empty and lifeless it looks. Olokun must be unhappy there to rule over such a large area, but have no subjects and nothing to keep her company. Olorun said I can create land and life where there is only water now. Orunmila told me the items I needed to create land and life. They were easy to find and didn’t require much effort. The hard part was collecting as much gold as I could find for the goldsmith to make a chain leading from the sky to the water far below.

I couldn’t believe it! The chain didn’t go all the way to the water and I wasn’t about to jump from that height. Orunmila said I should drop the seashell with the sand in it and the drop the hen. Astounding! The hen kicked the sand around and everywhere the sand landed there sprung up valleys and mountains, plains and plateaus. What a day it has been. I’ve named this land Ife and will soon make a small house for me and the cat. This should keep me occupied for awhile, but eventually I would like more beings that look and feel as I do. Olokun will be so happy to see what I have created for her!