Journal entry from one of Viracocha’s companions

Today I have seen just how powerful Con Ticci Viracocha really is. I had already witnessed him create animals and a race of giant humans. Not long after he turned the humanoids to stone and flooded the entire area! Realizing the fault in the first plan he proceeded to fix the problem. I was there when he lowered the flood waters, raised the sun high into the air, formed the moon and all the stars in the sky, and transformed the land into a new design of his choosing. Truly there can be no greater than the creator, Viracocha.

The greatest deed I saw him perform was creating humans from stone carvings he had formed. The stone pieces were split into groups and buried at different locations. I was ordered to go north and find all the stone figures hidden in the caves, rivers, mountains, and valleys. We were like fathers to these humans. Not only did we give them life, but we taught them how to speak, how to feed off the land, ethics, and how to live well.

We continue to teach the humans and to build onto this new land. Soon enough our time will end here and we shall move on Cuzco, or so I hear. From there who knows what the future holds, but where Viracocha goes…I will follow.

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