Manco Capac Entry

In the older times of this country, our land was nothing but shrubs, small trees, and tall mountains. The people that lived at this time were unmannered and untaught. It was said that they lived like wild animals because they didn't have clothes, houses, or even cultivated food. They lived in fairly small groups finding shelter in caves and such. My Father Sun saw this from the heavens and sent me and my sister down to try and teach these people different ways of living.

I quickly realized that these people knew nothing about living in houses, wearing clothes, raising food, forming villages, using tools, or even forming laws. When we left my father told us to take this golder rod with us and we were to form a city wherever there was fertile soil. We would know that the soil is fertile because the rod would disappear into the ground. By forming this city we will spread the knowledge of how to build homes, plant and harvest crops, and how to make clothing. In then end we educated many people and were very successful with our work.

Created By Jill Purvis

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