Viracocha Entry

I am the prince and the creator of all things. I first created the earth and the heavens. Then I created animals and many human beings that lived in eternal night. I later decided that I did not like what I had already created so I decided to flood everything and start over. Then I decided to first create the sun with the moon and the stars for night. Then I created mountains, valleys, waves, streams, rivers, and many more beautiful things. Then I added animals and human beings. I also created stone figures of men, women, and children.

I then started traveling around teaching many people how to live and the names of different plants and animals. While I was teaching a group of people there was another group of people who attacked my with rocks. I immediately punished them by causing fire to fall from the heavens, but then they all dropped their rocks to the ground immediately. Then they all fell to my feet and surrendered as I told them that I was their creator.

Created By Jill Purvis

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