Manco Capac journal entry

My father has decided to help the humans more than just providing light and warmth. He has chosen me and my sister, Mama Ocllo Huaco to find these savages and refine them into a more civilized people. They live like animals now; not wearing clothes, living in caves, eating whatever they happen to come across. I will do as my father asks and teach these people to farm the land, sew clothing, build proper homes, make tools, and build terraces for irrigation. Finally, I will show them to make weapons to both defend themselves and rule new lands.

Father Sun has also given us a short golden rod that we are to plunge into the earth as we travel. He says that once we find a spot where the rod can easily be completely sunk, that is where we are to build the great city of Cuzco. I can think of no reason why these untamed wild humans would not want to learn new trades and skills that would inevitably better their way of life. Surely these people will recognize and revere the children of the sun. I only hope we can find these people and the area of loose earth that my father spoke of. I guess we will have to wait and see.

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